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[已解答] HART375里面这几段话的含义

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签到天数: 75 天

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发表于 2016-12-14 14:18:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Connect the 375 Field Communicator with the appropriate connectors in parallel with the instrument or load resistor. The HART connections are not polarity sensitive.
In order for the 375 Field Communicator to function properly, a minimum of 250 ohms resistance must be present in the HART loop. There are three terminals on the top of the 375 Field Communicator.
Two of them are red and one of them is black. Each red terminal is a positive connection for its protocol. The black terminal is a common shared by both protocols. There is an access door to ensure that only one pair of terminals is exposed at any one time; see Figure 3-1. There are several markings to indicate which pair of terminals is for which protocol.


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签到天数: 137 天

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发表于 2016-12-15 14:40:09 | 显示全部楼层
Connect the 375 Field Communicator with the appropriate connectors in parallel with the instrument or load resistor. The HART connections are not polarity sensitive.
使用适当的连接器将375现场通讯器与仪器或负载电阻并联。 HART连接不对极性敏感。
In order for the 375 Field Communicator to function properly, a minimum of 250 ohms resistance must be present in the HART loop. There are three terminals on the top of the 375 Field Communicator.
为了使375现场通讯器正常工作,HART回路中必须至少存在250欧姆的电阻。 375现场通讯器顶部有三个端子。
Two of them are red and one of them is black. Each red terminal is a positive connection for its protocol. The black terminal is a common shared by both protocols. There is an access door to ensure that only one pair of terminals is exposed at any one time; see Figure 3-1. There are several markings to indicate which pair of terminals is for which protocol.
其中两个是红色的,其中一个是黑色的。 每个红色端子是其协议的正连接。 黑色终端是两种协议共享的。 有一个检修门,以确保只有一对端子在任何时间暴露; 参见图3-1。 有几个标记来指示哪一对终端是哪个协议。


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签到天数: 49 天

连续签到: 1 天


发表于 2016-12-15 14:43:04 | 显示全部楼层

[发帖际遇]: gubai0348 乐于助人,奖励 3 元. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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