看右边时序图,很清楚的 |
luolihong 发表于 2016-6-5 14:11 1#就是发帖者楼层,也称为楼主。 |
a805419872 发表于 2016-6-4 22:43 脉冲那个是:上升沿脉冲触发输出为状态1,T式代表这个脉冲触发的时间长度,这个时间是可以设置的。 这个不是延时脉冲。 |
lansenlin 发表于 2016-6-4 20:24 那我那个脉冲图下面那个T是什么情况......我想的应该是延长我的脉冲宽度!因为我逻辑图上面有用的这个下面写着3秒时长 |
同意楼上说的 |
上图来自ISA5.2 4.7 A process operation may be affected by loss of the power supply* to memories and to other logic elements. In order to take such operating eventualities into account, it may therefore be necessary to consider the effect of loss of power to any logic component or to the entire logic system. In such cases, it may be necessary to enter power supply or loss of power supply as logic inputs to a system or to individual logic elements. For memories, the consideration of power supply may be handled in this manner or as shown in Sections 4.7b, c, and d. By the same token, it may be necessary to consider the effect of restoration of power supply.Logic diagrams do not necessarily have to cover the effect of logic power supplies on process systems but may do so for thoroughness. 上段英文来之ISA5.2 3.8(原文) 同时,请参阅: HG20505表5.6.1 12-18 |
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