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- 1970-1-1
签到天数: 392 天 连续签到: 2 天 [LV.9]以坛为家III
Accelerometer(加速度计):A sensor that measures the acceleration of the object to which it is attached.粘贴在被测物体上测量其加速度的传感器。
Actuator( 执行器): A part of the final control element that translates the control signal into action of the final control device in the process. 作为最终控制元件的一部分,能将控制信号转变为在过程中实行控制作用的元件。
ADC( 模数转换器): An analog-to-digital converter that converts ah analog input of electric voltage or current into a proportional digital signal. 能将模拟电压或电流输入或比例地转换为数字信号的装置。
Alarm( 报警): In process control, an indicator that some process variable has exceeded preset limits.在过程控制当中,能指示出那些超出预前设定极限的过程变量的装置。
Bellows( 波纹管):A pressure sensor that converts pressure into a nearly linear displacement.能将压力信号几乎现行转换成位移信号的压力传感器。
Binary( 二进制): A number representation system of base 2. This is the working system of digital computers.以2为基底的数字表达。这也是数字计算机数据工作系统。
Cascade control(串级控制):A control system composed of two loops where the set point of one loop (the inner loop) is the output of the controller of the other loop (the outer loop). 由两个回路构成的控制系统,内环回路控制器的设定值为外环回路控制器的输出。
Bode plot( 波特图):A graph of transfer functions versus frequency where the gain (often in decibels) and phase (in degrees) are plotted against the frequency on a log scale.表示传递函数与频率的图。其增益(常以分贝表达)和相位(以度数表达)。与频率的关系是在对数刻度线上标出。
Bourdon tube( 波尔登管):A pressure sensor that converts pressure to a displacement. The device is essentially a coiled, flattened tube that tends to straighten when pressure is applied. 一种可以将压力信号转变成位移信号的压力传感器。该装置为扁平蛇形管,当受到压力时会被拉伸。