本帖最后由 舞长安 于 2016-10-27 20:50 编辑
准备工作: 1、确认用于连接电脑和交换机的通讯线。 2、确认计算机上已装有HyperTerminal通讯工具 3、确认交换机配置文件是否存在, A、如果已经安装了FTE驱动包则文件存在于如下目录: C:\ProgramFiles\Honeywell\FTE_Driver\Switch Configuration
B、如果没有安装FTE驱动包,则可在Honeywell提供的软件中Common Components光盘中查找如下目录: 光驱:\Packages\FTE_Driver\Switch_Configuration_Files
连接交换机: (先不要打开交换机电源) 1、将通讯电缆连接于交换机的通讯配置接口和计算机的串口。 2、点击Start > Programs > Accessories > Communications> HyperTerminal,运行HyperTerminal。 3、在Connection Description对话框中,为这一连接输入一个名称(自己识别方便即可),点击“ok”。 4、在Icon对话框,点击相应的图标并确认。 5、在Connect To对话框,选择正在被使用的串口,并确认。 6、在Properties对话框配置端口如下: Bits per second: 9600 Data Bits: 8 Parity: NONE Stop bits: 1 Flow control:Xon/Xoff 通讯端口默认为COM1不变; 点击“ok”。 7、打开交换机电源。
配置交换机: 1、在如下部分输入相应的值(粗体部分),并回车。 Wouldyou like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: y Atany point you may enter a question mark '?' for help. Usectrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt. Defaultsettings are in square brackets '[]'. Basicmanagement setup configures only enough connectivity formanagement of the system, extended setup will ask you toconfigure each interface on the system Wouldyou like to enter basic management setup? [yes/no]: y Configuringglobal parameters: 2、 为交换机输入一个“host name”,同意网络中每台交换机的“hostname”都必须是不同的。在如下部分输入相应的值(粗体部分),并回车。 Enterhost name [Switch]: Cisco_FTE4 Theenable secret is a password used to protect access to privilegedEXEC and configuration modes. This password, after entered,becomes encrypted in the configuration. Enterenable secret: Cisco_FTE1 Theenable password is used when you do not specify an enablesecret password, with some older software versions, and someboot images. Enterenable password: FTE4 Thevirtual terminal password is used to protect accessto the router over a network interface. Entervirtual terminal password: FTE4 ConfigureSNMP Network Management? [no]: N 3、下面是显示信息的一部分,太长没有完全抄录,无需操作,可压空格键完成显示。 Currentinterface summary Anyinterface listed with OK? value "NO" does not have a validconfiguration InterfaceIP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Vlan1unassigned NO unset up down FastEthernet0/1unassigned YES unset down down FastEthernet0/2unassigned YES unset down down FastEthernet0/3unassigned YES unset down down FastEthernet0/48unassigned YES unset down down GigabitEthernet0unassigned YES unset down down GigabitEthernet0/2unassigned YES unset down down 4、完成以上组态显示后,自动进入交换机对话框,在如下部分输入相应的值(粗体部分),并回车。 Enterinterface name used to connect to the managementnetwork from the above interface summary: vlan1 Configuringinterface Vlan1: ConfigureIP on this interface? [yes/no]: N Wouldyou like to enable as a cluster command switch? [yes/no]: N 5、下面是显示信息的一部分,太长没有完全抄录,无需操作,可压空格键完成显示。 Thefollowing configuration command script was created: hostnameCisco_FTE4 enablesecret 5 $1$qF.3$3AIkt0lNtdjMLAdknUnht. enablepassword FTE4 linevty 0 15 passwordFTE4 nosnmp-server ! ! interfaceVlan1 shutdown noip address ! interfaceFastEthernet0/1 noshutdown noip address ! interfaceFastEthernet0/2 ! interfaceFastEthernet0/3 ! interfaceFastEthernet0/4 interfaceFastEthernet0/48 ! interfaceGigabitEthernet0/1 ! interfaceGigabitEthernet0/2 ! end |