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发布时间: 2016-8-24 12:57


Gas chromatography is one of the most widely used techniques for analyzing hydrocarbon mixtures。Some of the advantages of chromatography are the range of measurement (from ppm levels up to 100 %), th ...


黄花一根草 发表于 2017-8-30 16:07:44
王天泽 发表于 2016-8-26 20:38:26


王天泽 发表于 2016-8-26 20:38:19


王天泽 发表于 2016-8-24 13:19:11
The goal of the sample handling system is to preserve the composition of the gas, so it is important to consider the detrimental effects that the Joules-Thompson effect may have on the sample.The use of heated regulators, insertion regulating probes (which use the heat from the flowing gas in the pipeline to maintain the temperature of the regulated sample), and heated sample handling components such as heat-traced tubing is highly recommended to ensure that the temperature of the sample is maintained to at least 30 ℉ (16.7 ℃) above the hydrocarbon dew point (American Petroleum Institute, 2006).
Inline filters are typically used to remove solid particles down to twomicrons in size. The larger the volume inside the sample handling system, the longer the lag time between when the sample enters the probe and when it enters the gas chromatograph. To avoid introducing large sample lag times into the system, particulate filters should not have large volumes, so coalescing filters are generally not recommended. Many sample probes in use today include a particulate filter at the filter tip. These are highly recommended as they stop contamination entering the system; however, users must routinely remove the probe and replace the filters to ensure the sample flow through the filter/probe is sufficient.
Liquids can be removed using membrane filters that use a specially designed membrane that only permits gas to pass through. The membrane can be located on the probe tip or in a membrane filter/separator located on the gas chromatograph sample handling system. The typical liquid membrane filter passes the sample gas through the membrane and sweeps the removed liquids away through a bypass flow path (refer to Figure 2). The bypass flow also allows the sample lag time to be reduced as it provides for a faster flow rate from the probe to the analyzer sample handling system (up to 500 cc/min) than the flow rate into the gas chromatograph, which is typically 30 cc/min to 50 cc/min.



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