
标题: 气相色谱仪资料 [打印本页]

作者: 学习自控仪表    时间: 2016-11-7 17:05
标题: 气相色谱仪资料
The process gas chromatograph consists of a sampling mechanism, a column and a detector.
Sampling is carried out by switching a sampling valve. When separating components or detecting concentrations, the sampling valve is set to allow the gas (liquid) to be measured to flow through the sample column. When sampling, the sampling valve leads the gas (liquid) to be measured to a column on a carrier gas. (See Figure1.1)
There are two important points regarding sampling: a regular volume is sampled since repeated sampling is required; and samples are taken quickly and securely. The volume is fixed by measuring a specific gas (liquid) of controlled temperature and pressure using a sample measurement tube. Samples are taken quickly and securely by ensuring that the gas to be measured always flows without interrupt.


作者: 舞长安    时间: 2016-11-7 19:04
The process gas chromatograph consists of a sampling mechanism, a column and a detector.
Sampling is carried out by switching a sampling valve. When separating components or detecting concentrations, the sampling valve is set to allow the gas (liquid) to be measured to flow through the sample column. When sampling, the sampling valve leads the gas (liquid) to be measured to a column on a carrier gas. (See Figure1.1)
通过切换采样阀进行采样。当分离组分或检测浓度时,设置采样阀以允许测量气体(液体)流过样品柱。当采样时,采样阀将待测量的气体(液体)引导到载气上的柱。 (见图1.1)
There are two important points regarding sampling: a regular volume is sampled since repeated sampling is required; and samples are taken quickly and securely. The volume is fixed by measuring a specific gas (liquid) of controlled temperature and pressure using a sample measurement tube. Samples are taken quickly and securely by ensuring that the gas to be measured always flows without interrupt.
关于采样有两个重要的点:定期体积被采样,因为需要重复采样; 并快速和安全地取样。 通过使用样品测量管测量受控温度和压力的特定气体(液体)来固定体积。通过确保待测量的气体总是不中断地流动,快速且安全地取样。

作者: gubai0348    时间: 2016-11-7 20:04
这是舞长安的翻译,我只是对其中几个 按自己的理解进行下修正
2、通过切换开关)采样阀进行采样。当分离组分或检测浓度时,设置开启)采样阀以允许测量气体(液体)流过样品柱。采样时,采样阀将待测量的气体(液体)引导到载气上的柱。 (见图1.1)

3、关于采样有两个重要的点(要注意)定期体积被采样,因为需要重复采样因为需要重复采样,请取相同体积); 快速和安全(准确)地取样。 通过使用样品测量管测量温度和压力受控的(确定组分的)气体(液体)来固定体积。通过确保待测量的气体总是不中断地(持续)流动,(来实现取样)快速且安全(准确地取样


载气待测气体(液体)引导到柱上。 (见图1.1)
3、关于采样有两点要注意:因为需要重复采样,需取相同体积; 快速和准确地取样。 通过


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